INXSweb.com is the home of An Excess of INXS, the oldest INXS internet
site. Started in 1993, the site was maintained until April, 2003.
This award-winning site features a wealth of information on the
Australian rock supergroup please come in and have a look around!
Hot Links of the Moment The production company for Limp, Michael Hutchence's final film project, has a website up featuring scenes from the film! Michael Hutchence collaborator Andy Gill's home page includes a wonderful Hutchence Tribute which features the rare "Let The People Talk." INXS' first album is out of print and unavailable in most stores - click here to purchase this rare gem! INXS Collectibles |
News | Bio | Disco | Video | Gigs | Pictures | Media | Multimedia Fan Resources | Tribute | Site Info | Home | Chatroom © 1993-2003 N. Kothari, M. Ferrari |