An Excess of INXS - Articles/Reviews/Interviews


The in-depth interview (Part 1)
Paula Yates

There was a fair bit of press furore around your visit to Australia - with one photographer claiming he was pushed off a wall by security men - but are you pleased, all in all, that you made the trip?
I'm really pleased, because I know that, more than anything else, Michael would have wanted his daughter christened in Australia. It was all so important to him. He was so nationalistic and... sort of funny about all of those things.
    He would have really been proud that the church was full of his oldest friends and his family and the people who truly loved him.
    And I must say - you know how normally vicars aren't very good? That's a bit cruel, but if they don't know you, they have a hard time. Well, we just had such a lovely man do the service. And Tiger was very traditional. Normally she is Miss Hammy and loves having her picture taken and having an audience - but she howled her head off as soon as the water got near her. And it was a bit sad, actually, because she'd had her hair done in the morning with little pin curls. And I think that's what it was. When they put this water on her head, she thought they were destroying her beautiful hairdo.
    It was a sweet ceremony. But there was also something heart-rending. I thought Sydney would, in some way, be healing, when actually all you do is look around and think, 'Where's Michael?' All I do is look out of the window and think, 'Where is he? Why isn't he next to me?'

Colin Diamond, Andrew Young, Paula with Tiger, Belinda Brewin, Michael Hutchence's manager Martha Troup and the Reverend David Luke

Have you felt drawn towards Australia since Michael's death?
I feel a desperate need to be in Australia, just to be where he lived, where he died, where we were happy - all of those things. There's a certain spirituality that, when you face death like this, you never, ever think you're going to find in yourself. I'm sure nobody ever thought they'd find it in me, but it's there.
    And then I had quite a bad accident yesterday...

I understand you were on a boat in Sydney Harbour and a hatch came loose, struck you on the head and pitched you into the water...
That was shocking, because part of Michael's ashes were scattered into Sydney Harbour. I was hit in the head and cut very badly and, as I fell into the water, I thought, 'This is it - he's coming for me.' But then, as usual, some idiot got me out of the water.

Belinda Brewin with Paula and a very relaxed Tiger after her speical - but obiously tiring - day

But you didn't really want to stay in there, did you?
Yes. I thought, 'He's come for me' - I really did, because it was such a weird accident. You know how strong that yachting fibreglass is? The lid of the entire yacht flew off, hit me in the head, shattering in the process and knocked me into the water - I mean that is like a freak accident. I just thought 'I'm going...'

Colin Diamond, Andrew Young, Paula, Belinda Brewin, and Reverend David Luke who inadvertently upset Tiger by ruining her pin-curl hairstyle

Do you have a real sense of Michael coming back to you, then?
I have Tiger - and in a way that is quite strange because Tiger, with every day, becomes more like Michael, and I'm not just saying that in the sense of how normally kids are like their parents. It's an uncanny thing. She has all his mannerisms. She acts like him; she has that innate peace that he had - she is just so, so gentle - very like him. It's interesting, watching her grow.

Have you seen a change come over Tiger as a result of the last few months?
Since he died? That's hard to judge, because I think it's tough on a child who's only coming up to two years old to spend 24 hours of her day with her mother. That's quite something - it's been really intense, what she's been through.
    But so much has been going on here. I mean obviously we saw all of Michael's band (INXS), which was a wonderful thing. And I used to get cross with people saying something good would come out of Michael's death - it's always been one of those things that rather annoys me. But Michael's brother, Rhett, who has had problems with drugs all his life, has now decided once and for all to go into detox. So, in a way, some good is coming out of it, because it means Rhett's partner and his small child will no longer have to live with a man possessed by drugs.

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